Thursday, June 27, 2013


Here are a few pics I wanted to share from my rodeo weekend! Hope you can see another little glimpse into my wonderful life :)! 

The first pic is of me and my dad. I'm riding Monkey, who is, indeed, a monkey. My dad is riding Pepto. 

The second pic is of my partner Huck and I during the Ribbon Roping :). He is the best partner! He catches every year...we won a couple years ago which was so fun! This year we placed sixth. Okay for real though, the second pic is of me about to totally biff it. Sad. 

The last couple are of Huck bronc riding. Impressive right? He's so good. 

Oh!! And a huge thank you Athena deGanahl Photography for the great photos she took of everyone this weekend!! 

Hope everyone is having a great week! 


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